Vlog post #1 - Virtual tasting #1 - Mango vanilla iced green tea

Welcome to our virtual tasting session!


Axelle : Hello everyone, it's Axelle and Sebastian from Keia Tea and we meet today in the mountains for our first virtual tasting session!

Today we are going to test together the Hakuna Matata iced green tea with mango and vanilla.

Sebastian : Preparing an iced tea is super simple, there are two techniques: if you are patient, you can either steep the tea directly in cold water for a few hours or overnight.

Or you can infuse it hot, let it cool for 15 to 20 minutes then add lots of ice cubes.

As you can see, the main ingredient of Hakuna Matata is above all green tea , you can clearly see the beautiful green leaves that make up the majority of the mixture.

Then what jumps to the eyes are pieces of dried banana, they are there to bring a little exotic sweetness to the tea. If you don't like bananas, rest assured its taste is very very light.

Then you will find a few pieces of mango and papaya, which give the drink a good taste of exotic fruit. Finally you will find some rose and lavender petals which, you will see, give a subtle touch, but which sublimate the taste of this tea.

Axelle : Let's go to the tasting! First in terms of the smell , you'll see it's a tea that smells suuuuper good! You will smell the good smell of Sencha green tea accompanied by a delicious scent of fruit. We also smell vanilla and then at the end, a little more subtly, we will smell a floral touch that comes from rose and lavender.

Sebastian : Yes, it smells really good! Besides, I love to drink it at work, because even just sitting next to us, we can smell this good perfume that surrounds us, and we almost feel like we're on vacation on a tropical island.

Axel and Sebastian : Come on, let's taste!

Axelle : Hmmmmm, it's so good! We smell lots of perfumes, we smell the sweetness of vanilla, mango which gives an exotic fruity taste, and of course green tea which is very very good. Not very bitter, but still has character.

Sebastian : Yes, then it really is a very powerful tea on the finish! 30 seconds after drinking it we can still smell it, as soon as we move our tongue, we release lots of flavors on our taste buds, it's still there.

It also has a little addictive side, you can't let go of the glass, it's really too good.

And you'll see, it's quite subtle, but we also feel a floral touch on the finish. It's rose and lavender, and I don't know what you think about it, but I think it's the little detail that makes this tea really delicious!

If you smelled the flowers or if you smell other subtleties, tell us in the comments!

Axelle : To conclude, it really is an ideal tea for the summer, very fruity, sweet and light, but which still has character and a taste that stays in the mouth for a long time! I recommend it if you are looking for a drink to refresh yourself this summer, it is ideal to replace sugary drinks!

Sebastian : If you are interested in Hakuna Matata tea , don't wait too long, as you know our collections are ephemeral , and it is very successful, I think there are only about fifteen bags left.

We hope you enjoyed this tasting! Tell us in the comments how we can improve for our next tasting. And see you very soon for more discoveries with Keia Tea !

Axel and Sebastian : See you soon!