How to taste the tea?

traditional tea tasting

Hello fans of organic tea and infusions in Switzerland and everywhere else! Today we are going to explore the art of tea tasting. You might be wondering how to fully appreciate the different flavors and aromas that tea has to offer? Don't worry, we're here to help you develop your palate and become a true tea connoisseur. Ready to dive into this delicate and refined universe? Let's go !

1. Take the time to observe and smell the tea

Before tasting your tea, take the time to carefully examine the dry leaves. Observe their color, size and shape, as they can tell a lot about the quality of the tea. Then sniff the leaves to detect their aromas. This will help you anticipate the flavors you will discover when tasting the tea.

2. Master the art of preparation

Tea preparation is a crucial step to reveal the flavors and aromas of tea. Be sure to follow the recommendations for water temperature and steeping time for each type of tea. Too hot water or too long an infusion can result in bitter and unbalanced tea.

3. Enjoy tea in stages

When you taste your tea, take the time to savor each step. Start by inhaling the aroma of the brewed tea, then take a small sip and swirl it around your mouth. Try to detect the different flavors and nuances that gradually unfold. Remember to breathe in air through your mouth while tasting your tea to amplify the aromas.

4. Compare and match teas

To develop your palate, it is important to taste different types of teas and infusions . Compare their flavors, aromas and textures, and note the characteristics that distinguish them. You can also try pairing teas with sweet or savory foods to discover new taste combinations and enrich your tasting experience.

5. Take notes

Do not hesitate to take notes during your tastings to remember your impressions and your preferences. Write down the teas that you particularly liked and those that you liked less, as well as the taste associations that worked. These notes will be useful for you to refine your tastes and choose your teas in the future.

6. Participate in workshops or tastings

To develop your palate and deepen your knowledge of tea, take part in workshops or tastings organized by professionals. This will allow you to discover new teas and learn tasting techniques from experts.

So, now you have all the keys to develop your palate and fully appreciate the art of tea tasting. By following these tips, you can explore and savor the subtleties of the different aromas and flavors that organic teas and infusions have to offer. So don't hesitate to put these tips into practice and share your experience with your friends and family, so that they can in turn discover the refined pleasures of tea tasting.

And if you're looking for loose teas and infusions made with organic ingredients to enrich your collection, don't forget to visit our online store and choose from our selection of delicious and high quality teas. quality. Good tasting and see you soon for new taste adventures!