How the Keia Tea subscription works
Your subscription will be renewed automatically every 3 months: the system will charge your credit card and, after each successful payment, your 5 delicious teas and infusions will arrive directly in your mailbox, without any effort on your part!
When will I receive my first box?
You will receive your first box within 4 to 6 business days after paying for your subscription. Afterwards, your subscription will be renewed every 3 months, on the same date.
What tea collection will I receive?
You will receive the collection corresponding to the month of your initial order. Then, you will receive a box every 3 months with a new exclusive and gourmet selection of 5 teas and infusions adapted to the season.
I just paid for my subscription but it doesn't appear in my profile?
Don't worry! Creating your subscription can take between a few minutes and an hour. Once created, you will be able to view it in your customer portal.
Can I pause or cancel a subscription?
Yes, of course. You can pause or cancel a subscription at any time in the customer portal, as shown in the screenshot below.
The customer portal can be accessed via the link you received in the email sent to you when you ordered your first subscription in the shop. You can also access your subscriptions if you create an account in the shop.
Can I skip or reschedule a payment?
You can skip or reschedule the payment in the customer portal. Each scheduled delivery has a "skip payment" button, which you can use to skip the payment. You can reschedule the payment by clicking the Reschedule button next to the delivery date.
Can I add products to my subscription?
Sure. You can add products to your subscription in the customer portal. Simply click on the Edit button in the product sheet and modify, delete or add products to your subscription.
What happens if the payment cannot be processed?
If the subscription cannot be renewed because the payment cannot be processed, you will receive an email with a link that will allow you to securely update your payment method.